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Ifran Sheikh AREINZ
Ifran Sheikh


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Home & Legal Sleepout on 984 m2 Land!


5 2 2

地区 Auckland Region
市县 Manukau City
郊区 Wattle Downs
房产类型 House
房间数量 5
浴室数量 2
车库/车位: 2
销售方式 出价/NEG


Set your sights on this spacious property which offers so much for the Investor, Developer or Large Families. Situated in great location close to good schools, shops, parks and only a few minutes from Motorway Onramps and Town Centre. With a large 984 m2 freehold section zoned Mixed Suburban under the Unitary Plan, it has both stormwater and wastewater services on site and no flooding, giving you future development potential also (subject to Council approval) The main house is neat and tidy and well presented with 3 spacious bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a large open plan living and dining area and modern kitchen. You also get a free-standing double lockup garage which has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom legal sleepout attached, plus another utility room. If it is space you are after inside and out then look no further as this outstanding property offers it all. Our highly motivated Vendors are serious to sell and will look at all reasonable offers so enquire now for more details or see you at the weekend Open Homes. Call now!

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