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Meg Jiang

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About Meg Jiang

#1 Salesperson Mt Roskill Branch year ending March 2013

Prior to selling real estate Meg completed a Bachelor of Science degree and enjoyed a career as a university lecturer. This career background enables her to deliver effective communication skills. Seven years ago Meg decided she needed a greater challenge in life so decided to join Barfoot & Thompson specialising in selling residential homes in the central Auckland area.

She is predominately a seller’s agent and works hard to achieve top dollar for her clients. With Meg’s sharp communication and negotiation skills she ensures that her vendors are pleased with the final result.

Having also experienced successfully renovating her own home, Meg can confidently with you to maximise the appeal and presentation in readiness for the sale of your home.

Meg speaks fluent English and Mandarin and strives as she does, to find the right home to suit all the requirements of her clients.

Meg is only too pleased to help with your property needs. Please feel free to call her to find out how she can help with your next property move.


"We know Meg from our friends and listed our property with Meg .She was very efficient and high professional standard in effecting the sale of our property recently. We would like to thank you for all your hard work in selling our house. It is much appreciated."
Susan McCollar & Tony McCollar

"We first met Meg when she sold a house in Hillsborough area. She was highly recommended by the owners and we were not disappointed. Before we put house on the market she advised us what changes to make to the house and what best method to sell. She gave us great advice throughout the whole process and achieved a price for us far above our expectation.
We appreciated the fantastic job you did in selling our house and would not hesitate to act as references for her to any potential clients."
Jude & Chris young

"I want to say thank you very much to Meg.
Meg was very professional and friendly to deal with. She made marketing of our house high standards and as stress free as possible. She helped me through the whole sale process and selling good price at auction. Thanks again for everything."
Su Yang & Xin Lin

"We had an excellent service received from Meg. She is honest and very reliable and realistic. We recently sold our home with Meg after my neighbor recommended her to us. She was always thorough and efficient and never failed to give us market feedback. We have enjoyed Meg working for us to sell our house."
Jennifer Wong & Jack Feng Young



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