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Charles Hsu

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About Charles Hsu

With 16 years experience as a senior training manager in the pharmaceutical industry, Charles Hsu brings extensive customer service and business skills to his real estate career. His real estate experience began in 1989 when he began to build a wide network of contacts and develop a comprehensive knowledge of the residential and rural markets. This is of course a real asset to clients/customers looking to sell and buy in the greater Auckland area.

Charles’ previous occupation as a chemist heightens his awareness of the emotional stresses his clients sometimes face and he works hard to alleviate the pressure. His own personal experiences in the property market, combined with his great passion in property investment enables him to guide his clients/customers through the process with accurate and informed advice.

Charles treats every client and property individually and works hard to provide tailored made solutions. He also fully utilizes the world-class resources and infrastructure provided by Barfoot & Thompson to achieve the best possible outcomes for his clients/customers.



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